Fundraiser for daily usage kits distribution in Old-age home:
LiGHT Wardha

As we all know, elderly individuals living in old age homes often have limited resources and support to meet their daily needs. Therefore, LiGHT Wardha aims to raise funds to provide them with basic necessities such as toiletries, cleaning supplies, and other daily essentials. With your generous contributions, we aim to distribute these kits to several old age homes in our community. The kits will be carefully curated to include items that are most needed and will be customized to cater to the specific requirements of each home.

This event will be a great opportunity for us to come together as a community and make a difference in the lives of our elderly population. We believe that by contributing towards this cause, we can bring some comfort and relief to those who are most in need.

We encourage you to donate generously and support us in this noble cause. Let's make a positive impact on the lives of our seniors and show them that they are valued and cherished members of our community.

Fundraiser for sports kit:
LiGHT Gwalior Thatipur

There are many among us who are born with some disabilities and we LiGHT GWALIOR THATIPUR is trying to make those faces happy. We are planning to provide sports kit and organise our flagship event KHELE EHSAAS. By conducting a 'Sport's day' in the campus of Gwalior's only disability school EHSAAS for these special kids. So let's donate with all our hearts and come together in our initiative. Be the part of a CHANGE with us.

Fundraiser for Hygiene Awareness event in deprived regions:
LiGHT Gwalior Sithouli

Women’s hygiene is still considered a taboo subject in most village regions. We, the youth, have to take charge and resolve the issues that have hindered development from long times. To spread the awareness, taking a step further towards Women Empowerment we are going to small villages and small schools to distribute sanitary pads. We (LiGHT Gwalior Sithouli) are raising funds for this noble cause and we need your support to achieve this. Let’s come together and join us in this initiative. Donate as you wish To fulfil someone's needs.

Benches, Electrical Appliances and Blackboards for the students of DAV TASRA School, Sindri
LiGHT Sindri

After Visiting DAV TASRA School,Sindri We found that Many of the Benches donot have Screws, which tend to either slide or come off their metal frame altogether making it difficult for the students to sit or write on them,Some fans were not working and there were no light bulbs in most classes. The condition of Blackboards in some classes is abysmal. To help the Students and solve this major problem, LiGHT Sindri decided to provide and repair Electrical appliances,Benches and Blackboards. We (LiGHT Sindri) are raising funds for this noble cause and we need your support to achieve this. Let’s come together and join LiGHT Sindri in this initiative. Donate as you wish To fulfill someone's needs.

Fundraiser to provide winter clothes to ragpickers of Raipur
LiGHT Raipur

Rag pickers are everywhere on the street. Homelessness makes you fight for survival. They can be found suffering individually or in groups. Routinely interacting with unhygienic spots and sicknesses conveying articles, everyday life is harsh for them. Winter season can be considered extremely harsh for them as roaming and sleeping on the streets is very unsafe for wellbeing. A group of about 50 rag pickers has made their temporary stay close to our college. They have no one to call for help. To make them feel supported and assist them with enduring the colder time of year calmly, we are going to distribute warm clothes to them. So let's come together in this ordeal by joining our initiative. Donate as much as you wish. Help us spread your positivity and warmth to them.